Dom Minasi Sheet Music
My sheet music is available at

"The Art of Takin It Out" is now available for purchase at Mike's Master Class

Principles of Harmonic Substitution
This book offers a complete guide for the jazz player who wants to use the latest in chord substitution. It contains many illustrations, charts and examples.
Sunrise Artistries, Inc., ISBN 0-936519-02-9__$11.95

Principles of Harmonic Substitution, by Dom Minasi. While the author stresses in his introduction that this book is not meant for the beginning guitarist, much of what it contains will prove quite useful to the new player providing that he or she takes the time necessary to grasp the material (tablature is not provided, so a chord chart-or knowledgeable friend-is a must for the novice). Minasi begins with a short discussion of basic music theory, including the cycle of fourths, and then moves into sections on scales, chords, progressions, substitutions, and melodies. Also included in the 46-page text are examples of how to form introductions, tags, and endings for songs. Emphasizing subtle harmonies rather than overpowering chord structures, the book provides a guitarist with plenty of material to digest and to build upon.

Guitar Player Magazine September 1979
Jim Schwartz Bookpicking

Musicians Manual for Chord Substitution
This book is an abridged version of Principles of Harmonic Substitution that can be tucked easily into any instrument case for quick reference.
Sunrise Artistries, Inc., ISBN 0-936519-03-7__$6.00

Minasi’s text is clearly and concisely written for arrangers/composers and improvisers. It is suburp in introducing intermediate/advanced players to the basics of chord substitution. The book conveniently uses the Socratic Method to not only present a lot of material, but just as important to put the readers mind at ease. There’s not another text on the market like it for the price.

National Association of Jazz Educators Journal

Stress Points-A Guitarists Guide to Improvising
Stress Points' easy-to-follow steps to artistry is a must for the serious, inquisitive instrumentalist. Though written primarily for the guitarist, players of other instruments will discover that the book can be a valuable addition to their improvisational vocabulary. Instead of note groupings or scales, Stress Points teaches the sound of each individual note in relation to the note or chord against which it is used.
Sunrise Artistries, Inc., ISBN 0-936519-00-2__$11.95

Stress Points is written with a warm, personal approach, but it also teaches discipline, the taking of responsibility for creativity and the avoidance of cliche playing.